Exhibit Posters
When I teach the undergraduate Introduction to Public History course, students complete a single panel exhibit as part of their final project. Each student chooses their own topic, and I require that these exhibit posters use primary sources and make some sort of argument. Occasionally a student will work with a local museum or historical site to display their poster, but that isn't common just yet.
Here is a sample of this coursework which some of my former students have agreed to share. These exhibit posters are from various semesters and are presented in alphabetical order by their creator's last name.
S Brown Exhibit Poster by k10bd
N Holladay Exhibit Poster by k10bd
A Medford Exhibit Poster by k10bd
E Taylor Exhibit Poster by k10bd
N White Exhibit Poster by k10bd
Historypin Channel & Content
As part of the requirements for a graduate course in digital history in Spring 2014, students created a page on Historypin.com for the Appalachian State University Belk Library.
The class worked together to choose which digital collections to work with and what theme should define the project. The students chose to tell the stories of tourism throughout southern Appalachia and of what they called the "real" Appalachia, a more diverse complex picture of the residents of Boone, NC and the surrounding area.
Other classes at App State have continued adding to the page.